Case StudySport Executive Facilitation Stakeholder engagement Strategic Planning

Rugby Australia Executive facilitation and strategy development

Assist Rugby Australia and its members to identify a shared goal and help all parties take ownership of telling a more united and positive story about rugby and its future.




Executive Facilitation Stakeholder engagement Strategic Planning



Ahead of its AGM (2019), 2019 Rugby Australia hosted a planning and strategy day with all member unions including all state CEOs and Chairs, as well as senior RA executive and board members.  
A key part of the day was about breaking down barriers and empowering all senior leaders across the sport in Australia to tell a consistent, powerful, and unified story of the game and what it means to fans, players and the wider community.

What we did 

Through this session facilitated by Bastion Reputation, we sought to demonstrate the shared challenges across different levels within the game, and Rugby Australia’s role in helping to address these in partnership with the member unions. This wasn’t about Rugby Australia dictating what needs to be done but bringing all member unions along with them on the journey to identify a shared goal and help all parties take ownership of telling a more united and positive story about rugby and its future.  


This was the first step towards building stronger relationships between Rugby Australia and its member unions. In the years following, Bastion Reputation worked with the governing body to develop and implement a strategic stakeholder engagement and communications plan to ensure Rugby Australia continued to give voice to its strategic vision and build lasting relationships with the people who matter most. 

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