Case StudyPR

Grill'd Give cows a day off

Grill’d wanted a PR-led campaign that generated talkability in mainstream, national media about the brand, its four new plant-based burgers featuring faux beef by Beyond Meat and its biggest-ever change to menu – going 50/50 plant based by 2020.





Contrary to many plant-based campaigns, Grill’d wanted to target carnivores – not vegans – and tap into the trend of eating less meat for health and  environmental reasons.

We dared Grill’d to do what no other burger restaurant would surely do: sell only plant-based menu items for one whole day – giving cows (and carnivores) the day off.

Such a bold idea required a bold photo opportunity.

An ever resourceful bunch (it’s amazing who we know…), we sourced two movie star steers (cows, for the unenlightened), and secured Melbourne Football Club player Clayton Oliver to tuck into the plant-based burgers for media.

Our media call, held against the backdrop of Melbourne also featured a nutritionist, Grill’d customers and the CEO and head chef of Grill’d.

To give the story even more talkability we commissioned research into the rising number of Australians reducing their meat intake, which gave us a great hook to hang the menu launch from.

We also organised burger drops for key radio programmes nationally. 

The result was a ton of media coverage (166+ pieces of coverage), but most importantly sales of plant-based burgers on Cows Day Off were higher than usual days, and so were sales of meat burgers the day after the meat-free holiday!

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