Case StudyFMCG Brand Development Strategy

Trumpet Ice Cream Packaging re-design

Trumpet icecream has legendary status of extreme deliciousness in New Zealand. This icon however needed a packaging and brand evolution to align with a new global product range strategy.




Brand Development Strategy



Trumpet Ice Cream has legendary status of extreme deliciousness in New Zealand.

This icon however needed a packaging and brand evolution to align with a new global product range strategy. The simple focus was to never lose what makes Trumpet a Kiwi favourite. The simple focus was to never lose what makes Trumpet a Kiwi Favourite.

Trumpet designs

We simplified the on-pack messaging for the consumer. Enabled bold use of colour, and enhanced the size and legibility of the Trumpet logo.

Us kiwis love our Kiwisms.

Through playful illustration, we used our most favourite icons and slang across each pack. To relaunch this legend, we wanted to remind the public of the deliciousness every Trumpet has. From the ice cream crown, the tasty belt, to the choc nib in the cone, every bite better is the promise of this.

The result: a bold, playful system for one of New Zealand’s most iconic novelty ranges.

Trumpet designs boysenberry
Trumpet designs vanilla and choc

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