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Insights delivers market research and insights that seek to improve the experience of brands, products and society.
Creative growth through creative.
Digital enable businesses and organisations with the digital foundations for growth in an ever-evolving digital world.
Reputation offers corporate affairs, issues and crisis communications that helps organisations to build, maintain, protect and strengthen their reputation.
Experience connects people and brands with experiences and emotions.
Design growth through design.
Social MediaExpertise
Queen of the Freezer was a social-only campaign that tied in with our always-on social media layer for Tip Top. This was a proactive idea, presented to our clients as a way to dial up product, and profile interaction in the winter months when the super-summery content doesn’t land as much. The goal of this campaign was first to grow the brand’s Instagram following as well as increase community engagement.
The idea pitted freezer favourites against one another and let the community vote on their favourite. The knockout-style tournament enabled us to generate one and a half months of weekly content and reasons to follow and interact with Tip Top’s account daily.
Our Amplify team led the campaign, integrating our Creative, Digital and Design teams.
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