Case StudyEducation Government Advertising Brand Creative Cross Cultural Marketing

NSW Department of Industry Re-Think and Re-Consider VET

Campaign messaging ensured all key facts were brought to life to have our audiences re-think and re-consider VET.


Education Government


Advertising Brand Creative Cross Cultural Marketing

Creative agency Bastion Creative set out to research, develop and have in market within 6 months a creative campaign that would start a three-year campaign. The campaign was intended to improve the reputation of the VET qualification among students, parents and advisors, and in turn, drive considerations of VET as a credible pathway in order to meet the needs of business and industry and to improve job outcomes for students.

Creatively, we needed an idea that resonated with CALD audiences as much as any. And we knew from previous that universal images can tell our story to audiences from different cultural backgrounds. Our idea used a powerful metaphor – as they say, ‘picture says a thousand words, a metaphor is worth a thousand pictures’.

By opening a door, students open themselves to a world of opportunity. And VET is literally that world of opportunity with a course for every career, high quality qualifications that are in demand and highly regarded by employers and that lead to well-paid careers. The ‘door’ is a symbol for what VET can offer. It is their portal to the career they want. Beyond that, our messaging ensured all key facts were brought to life to have our audiences re-think and re-consider VET.

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