Case StudyFMCG Health Retail Sport Commercial Strategy Content Creation Experiential Film Production Partnership Management

Chemist Warehouse Skin Stories

Bastion Experience and Make team up to kick even more goals with a shoot for Chemist Warehouse’s Skin Stories with the AFLW.


FMCG Health Retail Sport


Commercial Strategy Content Creation Experiential Film Production Partnership Management


Experience Make

In this series we interviewed Brianna Davey of the Brisbane Lions, and Collingwood’s Emily Bates – with our host, national skin check ambassador from BeardSeason and CEO Jimmy Niggles.

Venturing to the LaRoche Posay pop-up skin-check clinic at Bondi Beach, as well as Brisbane and Melbourne AFLW training centres, the campaign aims to highlight the importance of sun safety by sharing personal insights from the players’ own relationship and struggles with sun exposure – as well as Jimmy’s story as the CEO of a charity aimed to raise awareness about the significance of wearing a broad spectrum SPF 50+ sunscreen and getting your skin checked.

Champions of change, LaRoche Posay’s new SPF50+ sunscreen Anthelios has launched this summer to answer all Australians’ skin care needs and can be found in all Chemist Warehouses. 

Endorsed by both Jimmy and the AFLW, the campaign focuses on telling real stories alongside this non-greasy and lightweight sun safety product that can be worn under make-up and offers ultimate protection from the sun all year round. 

So this summer, don’t forget to get a skin check and slip, slop, slap!

Check out more over at Chemist Warehouse on YouTube. 

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