Case StudyCampaign Retail Sport Advertising Social Media Strategy

MyRacehorse Social Media campaign

The use of advertising placement on Chinese media channels often provides clients with a great opportunity to reach a broad and diverse audience, drive traffice, and the conversion is higher than most alternative platforms.


Campaign Retail Sport


Advertising Social Media Strategy


Asia allows people to invest in a racehorse without paying the high costs of owning a racehorse outright.

The Brief
MyRacehorse came to Bastion Asia to drive brand awareness for the brand and drive the purchase of shares in its new racehorse Happy Casino.

Bastion Asia conducted a media buying campaign targeting the Australian Chinese community across Melbourne and Sydney, where the bulk of audience is located. We focused advertising on the Australia Today App, which strategically aligned with the target buyer persona. With horseracing more popular among the older generation, using mainstream apps are an effective and efficient way to reach them. We deployed a range of banners with various calls to action and we made timely adjustments to reach the target audience and optimise results.

Total impressions exceeded 2.5 million, and the click through rate was 0.32%, beating the initial KPIs and the industry benchmark.
The campaign was MyRacehorse’s first introduction to the local Chinese Australian audience and provides an opportunity for repeat campaigns.

my racehorse socials

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