How to attract talent by using a marketing agency

The job market is more robust than ever - which is great for candidates, but can be a little tricky for employers. In fact, there were over 10 million job openings in September of 2022 alone.

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NewsArts Education PR Strategy

How to attract talent by using a marketing agency

The job market is more robust than ever - which is great for candidates, but can be a little tricky for employers. In fact, there were over 10 million job openings in September of 2022 alone.

December 14, 2022

So, how do you set your business up to look better than the rest?

Have you considered bringing a marketing agency on board? Read on to find out how to use an orange county marketing agency to attract talent.

Improve your web presence

The better your company looks online, the more likely candidates will be to apply to your job listings. Digital marketing agencies can redesign your website to highlight the absolute best parts of your business.

Digital marketing agencies can also help you out with your social media. More and more people use social media to investigate different companies they’re considering. Some people find out about job listings using social media. So, it’s important to have a solid presence on social media, across platforms.

A marketing agency can help you get your profiles up and running, and help you out with a regular posting schedule. These agencies can also help you create the right tone for your profiles with social media management. Professionals can help your brand seem authentic in a way that appeals to potential employees.

Get the word out

The number one way working with a marketing agency can help you attract candidates is that they can make sure that appropriate candidates know about your business – and the job opening.

A company can also target their strategy to bring in the best possible candidates. You’ll get the word out to the cream of the crop, without having to cut through dozens more useless profiles of underqualified candidates.

Marketing agencies also know how to find these people online using targeted advertising and by finding out what appeals to them, so it’ll be easier to fill your positions more quickly.

Marketers know how potential candidates work

Different job candidates are looking for different things, and you might not know how to appeal to their interests. Marketing agencies know how to structure job postings to catch the eye of potential candidates, and keep them interested.

If your job listings are confusing and hard to parse, for example, it might turn potential candidates out.

A marketing agency can also use market research to figure out how people apply to jobs online, and what keeps them engaged in the application process. That way, you won’t be turning good candidates off with delays, poor communication, or other potential problems.

Agencies can promote your good side

Marketing agencies know exactly how to get the word out about the benefits of working for your business. Marketing agencies know how to promote success stories that can attract potential candidates.

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