Top 3 Signs Your Website Is Causing a High Bounce Rate

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Top 3 Signs Your Website Is Causing a High Bounce Rate

October 25, 2021

Having a website for your business is the most fundamental step for a successful business in the modern age.

But thinking you have made it just because your website seems pleasing to the eye is a mistake. You could be missing out on many small wins because you haven’t popped the hood enough to see if the website engine is running as well as it could be. 

A high bounce rate is one thing that, after digging into your analytics, is a common problem. This is when people leave after coming to one page on your site. 

So why aren’t people sticking around, and how can you lower your bounce rate? 

Keep on reading to find out.

1. Slow Page Loading Time

In today’s day and age, waiting is not something people expect to do, especially on what people grew up calling the information superhighway. We want information fast.

The average today for a page to load up is 2 seconds. Research carried out by Google shows that the bounce rate went up by 123% the closer to 10 seconds that people on mobile devices had to wait for. 

A slow website, therefore, is a problem. Especially for those who have e-commerce sites, where each wasted second costs money. 

So what can you do to lower your bounce rate?

Our first step for our clients that need orange county website development is simply checking their page speed. You can use either Google Speed Insights or GTMetrix. Once you have an insight into which pages are the worst, give them an audit.

Optimize any bulky images, see if you can trim down any code in the Javascript or CSS, and try to leverage your browser cache to see some instant results. 

2. Poor User Experience 

A common reason for people not to hang around on your website comes down to the user experience you create for them. 

Sleek simple designs are proven to keep people around. Yet so often businesses fill pages with tons of information and places to click through to, with the desire to give the visitor as many options as possible. The reality is, however, that this leaves pages feeling clustered and busy. 

Less is more when it comes to user design, so lower your bounce rate by optimizing your website. Give it a once over and make sure it is user-friendly both on a desktop and even more importantly on a mobile device. 

3. It’s Missing a Call to Action

In the split-second world of browsing on the internet, page views simply aren’t enough. Rather than hoping they stick around, you should make them.

The way to do this is through your web copy. 

The language used on every page should not only hold a visitor’s attention but also lead them in some way to another page on your site or motivate them to do something. This is known as a call to action. 

Your bounce rate will see sharp improvement if you give some form of instruction about what you want people to do.

Expressions like “Click here for…” or making clear any offers you may have on your site are tricks that can make those that visit your site feel like you understand why they have visited, and know how to help them.

Rescue Your High Bounce Rate With Our Tips

A high bounce rate is not something that anyone serious about their website can afford to ignore. So follow our tips if you want to stop the rot and lower your bounce rate today!

We at Bastion Elevate love to help businesses find solutions to their online challenges like these. So whether it is digital marketing, public relations, or web and app development, get in contact with us today and let us know how we can help you.

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